Healthy day...
Jas jas gonna kill me.
The four of us was suppose to wake up at 9am,but instead all of us slept till 12pm.
We were going on our healthy day trip!
Was damn famished and we headed to 85 for duck rice before heading to Pasir Ris to cycle!
It was cheap and all our bicyles kinda produces lame noises.
Eling's bicycle gave out some bird chirping sound..don know wad the hell sound is it.
Now i cant wear skirts or shorts for don know how freaking long.
My leg is filled with bruises and mosqitoe bites.
Cycled for round an hour plus,cant stand the heat and headed to JunHui place.
Settled down and it was swimming time!
Actually not really swimming as me and Ling did wana wet our hair,so we just went to 'soak' in the pool.
Went sauna-ing after 'soaking' for quite some time.
And it was really veryy shag banana balls.Its been veryy long since im so active.To conclude,it was a veryy shag bananas day.